İstanbul Oncology Global

Radiotherapy, also known as radiation therapy or beam therapy, is a type of medical treatment that uses high-energy radiation to destroy cancer cells or prevent their growth.

Radiotherapy works by delivering targeted doses of radiation to the site of the cancerous tumor or the surrounding area where cancer cells may have spread. The radiation damages the DNA within the cancer cells, causing them to lose their ability to divide and grow. Over time, the cancer cells may die, and the body’s immune system may help eliminate them.

What are the benefits of radiotherapy?

Radiotherapy is applied to the majority of cancer patients, and in some cases, it may be the only solution. Radiotherapy may also be combined with chemotherapy to achieve better results.

Some of the benefits and uses of radiotherapy are;

  • Localized treatment: Radiotherapy delivers high-energy radiation directly to the tumor or the surrounding area, which can help target cancer cells with minimal damage to nearby healthy tissues.
  • Curative intent: radiotherapy can be used to cure cancer, either as the primary treatment or in combination with other treatments such as surgery or chemotherapy. It can be highly effective in controlling the growth of cancer cells and achieving long-term remission in many cases.
  • Adjuvant therapy: Radiotherapy can be used after surgery or other treatments to reduce the risk of cancer recurrence.
  • Palliative care: Radiotherapy can relieve symptoms and improve the quality of life in advanced or metastatic cancers where a cure is impossible. It can help shrink tumors, alleviate pain, control bleeding, and reduce other cancer-related symptoms.
  • Combination with other treatments: Radiotherapy can be combined with other cancer treatments such as surgery, chemotherapy, and targeted therapies to provide a multi-modal approach to cancer management.

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