Our Oncology Treatment Center takes great pride in its leading role as an advanced diagnostic and treatment center specializing in oncology, providing high-quality services to patients worldwide. Our dedicated medical team, supportive healthcare personnel, and cutting-edge technology, collectively position us as a premier international oncology center. Annually, we diligently serve over 100,000 patients at our Oncology Treatment Center, ensuring that every individual receives the highest quality care.
Precision Diagnosis with Cutting-Edge Tools
Upon a patient’s arrival at our facility, our advanced diagnostic center stands ready to make precise diagnoses using state-of-the-art diagnostic methods. We employ advanced diagnostic tools, including PET CT, radionuclide imaging, MRI, CT scans, ultrasound, Doppler, endoscopy, bronchoscopy, EBUS (Endobronchial Ultrasound), and gastroenterology. When necessary, we integrate these diagnostic processes with interventional radiology to ensure prompt initiation of diagnostic procedures.
Tissue Sample Analysis in Our Pathology Lab
Tissue samples obtained during these procedures undergo a thorough examination in our in-house pathology laboratory. Our specific pathologists evaluate these samples, leading us to the most accurate diagnosis.
Multidisciplinary Council Treatment Planning
Following the diagnosis, our oncology council using a multidisciplinary approach, meticulously plans the patient’s treatment. Medical oncologists, radiation oncologists, pathologists, surgeons, and nuclear medicine experts collaborate within the council to address the patient’s unique needs and to plan the most appropriate treatment for the patient’s condition.
Personalized Treatment Implementation
After finalizing the treatment plan within our council, we administer chemotherapy, radiation therapy, and surgical treatments, either individually or in combination. Our oncology departments offer advanced, personalized treatments, and we emphasize our commitment to cutting-edge technology, specifically the use of a sophisticated robotic chemotherapy compounding system in medical oncology. This enhances the precision, safety, and efficacy of chemotherapy preparations for our patients.
At Istanbul Oncology Hospital, we are committed to delivering high-quality diagnostic and treatment services to our patients. We also extend our commitment to international patients by providing language services, assisting with travel logistics, and ensuring comfortable accommodations, ensuring a seamless experience from start to finish.
For more information and a medical evaluation, please complete the form to contact us.